

In recent years photoredox chemistry has become a powerful tool for chemical synthesis. Many reactions conditions have been reported in the literature using a wide range of catalysts and reagents. However, often these reactions are highly substrate, solvent and base specific. In order to facilitate the screening of common photochemistry reactions, HepatoChem has released a series of kits combining common Iridium, Nickel, ligand and base combinations to achieve successful cross-coupling transformations.

Iridium/Nickel catalysis versatility

Depending on the ligand, base and solvent, the Ir/Ni catalytic systems can perform different cross-coupling reaction.


Several kits available


Standard Protocol

5 µmol of substrates in 100 µl solvent with Ir catalyst (2 mol %),  NiCl2•dme (10 mol %), ligand (10 mol %),  and 3 equivalent of base.


  • 0.3 ml vial with crimp cap and stirring bar
  • Specifically designed for photochemistry device
  • Pre-weighed reagents and catalysts
  • Temperature maintained at RT
  • Pre-designed or custom arrays available
  • Reagents are packaged under inert atmosphere

Know more about the Iridium/Nickel Photoredox kits from HepatoChem