Whatever the field of application, pharmaceutical, environment, agro-food, cosmetics, …, a question appears regarding the HPLC or UHPLC analysis of polar compounds: which column to choose?

Today, there are a lot of C18 bonded analytical columns available for the separation of non-polar molecules. With Core Shell or totally porous silica, conventional C18 phases provide a good insight into this analytical problem.

It is the same for Interchim’s C18 AQ stationary phases, which behave with hydrophobic compounds in a similar manner to the traditional C18 stationary phases.

What about the analysis of more polar molecules?

For the analysis of more polar molecules, several questions arise during an analytical method development:

  • Will my molecules be retained on a conventional C18 column?
  • Should I develop a method using ion pairing reagent in the mobile phase?
  • Will the analysis method be compatible with MS detection?
  • Should I use a column with a different selectivity, eg. Hilic?

C18 AQ bonded stationary phases Versatility

Interchim’s C18 AQ stationary phases present a wider application field than conventional C18 phases.

  • In the pharmaceutical industry : analysis of active ingredients, metabolites, impurities, excipients, …, or analysis of oligonucleotides, peptides, polypeptides, …
  • In the environment: multi-residue LC / MS analysis of phytosanitary products
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Features and Benefits of C18 AQ bonded stationary phases

Interchim C18 AQ stationary phases are stables under 100% H2O conditions

It is not recommended to use mobile phases containing more than 95% water with a conventional C18. Beyond this value, the C18 chains curl towards the surface of the silica, which has for consequence a loss of retention and separation of the analytes.

The Interchim C18 AQ bonding technology ensures a column that provides perfect repeatability of retention times under 100% aqueous mobile phase conditions.

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Interchim C18 AQ stationary phases are Retentive and Selective for polar compounds which are the most frequent molecules to be analyzed and purified today

Under 100% H2O conditions, an increase in retention of the analytes is observed with Interchim C18 AQ phases.
Thanks to their end-capping technology, they provide specific polar selectivities that conventional C18 sorbents do not have.
Separation of very poorly retained products are achieved with Interchim’s C18 AQ bonded silicas where conventional C18 phases fail.

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Interchim C18 AQ stationary phases are available from analytical scale to purification, Core-Shell particles up to preparative.

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C18 AQ stationary phases provide :

  • Versatility
  • Stability under 100% aqueous conditions
  • Retention & Selectivity for polar compounds which are the most frequent molecules to be analyzed and purified today
  • Good peak shape with basic compounds

This is why Interchim C18 AQ stationary phases are first choice columns, from analytical scale to purification, from Core-Shell particles to Preparative, an unique offer on the market.


More information :

C18AQ_guide_interchim_blog_0117Download or consult our detailed documentation on the stationary phases C18 AQ from Interchim



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